Studio and Advanced Students
- All art students will be responsible for a spiral bound sketchbook, which you will use in and out of class. The sketchbook should be no smaller than 5” x 8” and no larger than 9” x 12” with all blank paper. You will have homework in your sketchbook.
- At least two old magazines to be used for class projects.
- Pencils, pencils, pencils! There is no excuse for you to show up to art without a pencil.
AP Supplies:
In order to be successful an AP studio student, expect to do work outside of class. Most supplies and equipment will be provided by the school, but students might wish to purchase their own personalize supplies to keep at home. Supplies needed for working at home:
ü A basic set of acrylic paints (whichever you prefer)
ü At least 3 good quality brushes (small, medium, and large)
ü A set of drawing pencil and a kneaded eraser
ü A basic set of Prismacolor colored pencils
ü A set of watercolors
ü Vine and compressed charcoal
You can find these supplies at Michaels Crafts, A.I. Friedman, and Joanne Fabrics & Crafts.